Saturday, June 21, 2014

Movie Review: Witness

A classic thriller/romance from director Peter Weir featuring one of the best performances of Harrison Ford's career. The story of a police officer on the run from crooked cops who takes shelter in Amish Country, this is a touching and intense film.

Mention Harrison Ford and most people automatically think of Indiana Jones, Han Solo or Rick Deckard. In a perfect world, the first name out of their mouths would be John Book, his character in this film. Rarely before or since has Ford shown such skill as an actor, the emotion on display is simply staggering. 

Other than the score, which is very 80's, the movie flows without a hitch. An impeccable, Oscar winning screenplay by Earl W. Wallace keeps the pace running at a healthy speed and the direction by Peter Weir is understated but effective. Featuring a great supporting cast featuring Kelly McGillis and Lukas Haas, the world building that Weir accomplishes is simply top-notch.

One of the great masterpieces of the 80's as well as Weir and Ford's careers, I can't recommend Witness enough.

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