Sunday, April 4, 2010

Review: Brick+Mortar - 7 Years in the Mystic Room

Let me just start off by saying this is one of the best albums I've heard all year. That's a pretty bold statement, but in this case it's undeniably true.

Brandon Asraf (Vocals/Bass/Samples) and John Tacon (Drums/Drums/Samples) combine to make music that has a little something for everyone. From insane beats to haunting vocals to introspective lyrics this debut has broad appeal. There's just no way that these guys aren't going to get huge in the next year or so.

The EP starts off with '20LB' and never lets up all the way to closer '185 Drop'. '20LB' has some amazing lyrics and bass playing mixed with some complex drumming that all adds up to a great song. If you haven't seen the music video yet, directed by Dan Feeny, see my previous'll blow your mind.

Second track 'Told You' is an autobiographical tale of Asraf's life. These are some of the best lyrics on the album, recalling an upbeat Dylan at times. I love a good "story song" so this is a definite highlight for me.

Next is the medley of 'Backwards Clock/New Possibles', it starts off in a truly somber mood and evolves into a total rocker by the end. A story of addiction, regrets and eventual realization, these are the two best tracks on the album without a doubt. Backing vocals by both John and Samantha Tacon (River City Extension) really add to this shocking medley. a friend of mine once said, "Clapping makes every song awesome."

The album comes to a close with '185 Drop', another song that proves what a great band this is. It seems like they've decided to end the album with a song that shows what each member can do when they're at the top of their game. Everything about this song; lyrics, basslines, drumbeats and samples is right on target. "Learn to let go so your heart don't gotta," has to be one of the best lines I've heard in quite some time.

Admittedly I was a huge fan of these guys before the album came out, having personally known them for years. Don't take this as a biased review however...I'm pretty picky when it comes to music. I haven't met one person who's heard these guys not become a fan. All in all, this EP will be a highlight of 2010 for anyone who hears it.

The EP is available in both physical and digital format. Download your copy here.

Best Tracks:
The Entire 5 Song EP

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