Saturday, I was lucky enough to go to a writer's conference at William Paterson University and meet author Anthony Swofford. It was lots of fun and I learned quite a bit about writing poetry and biography.
The conference's keynote guest was Anthony Swofford, author of Jarhead and Exit-A, and he was an extremely engaging and entertaining speaker. He read from an unpublished novel he's currently writing called 'War Memoir', and it sounds like a really awesome book.
It's about a soldier that comes back from the war and through an interesting turn of events decides to publish a false memoir about his time in Iraq. It sounds really good so keep your eye's open when this gets released.
I got the chance to speak to Mr. Swofford numerous times throughout the day and I found him to be a really cool and down to earth guy. He recommended the new album by the Black Keys, which I'm going to pick up soon, if I can find the money.
So yeah, if you ever get the chance to meet an author, you just might be lucky and be able to meet someone as cool and down to earth as Anthony Swofford.